How to Manage Invoice Finance and Avoid Pitfalls in the Construction Industry

As it goes with the typical challenges in the construction industry, we battled with irregular payments. We were at our wit’s end when we decided to give invoice finance a go as a funding solution to ease our cash flow troubles. With a large project on the horizon, we meticulously selected invoices from clients with a proven track record of timely payments and established a relationship with our finance provider. Invoice finance fast-forwarded the funding for this project with 80% (yes 80%!) of the invoice value received upfront, allowing us to move ahead with the project without any delay. I cannot praise the decision we made and the benefits we gained enough. It’s clear to us now that invoice finance is an essential part of a proper financial management strategy.

Owner of a small construction company, specialising in residential builds

Essential Construction Invoice Finance Strategies

With the unpredictability of project timelines and punctual payments, a steady cash flow is essential for a small business to survive and prosper. Proper management of invoice finance takes care of this pitfall hampering potential success.

Start by doing an in-depth analysis of your company’s financial management practices, identifying the clients who pay before or latest on deadline. Focusing first and foremost on these clients will ensure reliability in cash flow and minimise financial risk. However, all clients are valuable assets, even if they have a tardy payment record. Crystal-clear communication with both your finance provider and your clients helps maintain transparency and trust, especially when it comes to those tardy payers.

Once a refined financial management strategy is in place, you can rest assured that you can rely on regular cash flow. It is as simple as that - your lender has your financial back.

How to Get the Best Out of Construction Finance Through Accountability

Invoice financing is one of the major keys to financial success, but you must keep an eagle eye on your operations and credit control to get the best out of it. Over-reliance on invoice financing can lead to complacency in other areas of financial management, potentially masking underlying issues such as inefficient operations or poor credit control. To avoid this, use invoice finance as part of a broader financial strategy rather than a sole solution.

Invoice finance works hand in hand with efficient operations, stringent credit control, and responsible management. It's crucial to allocate the invoice financing funds effectively, ensuring they are invested in areas that will generate returns, such as paying suppliers or taking on new projects, rather than covering inefficiencies.

Your cash flow strategy can be further improved by routine reviews of your funding needs and the terms of your invoice finance agreement, ensuring that this tool remains aligned with your company's evolving requirements. Invoice finance is the key to the door, and you can amplify your access to success with the way in which you run your financial structure.

Using Construction Invoice Finance to Cement Financial Stability

Invoice finance is an essential tool that you must use as part and parcel of your overall financial management strategy. Assess exactly which invoices are the best to finance (based on your most viable and regularly paying clients) while steering clear of potential mismanagement of funds. Maintaining open lines of communication and managing financial resources wisely will help your construction business harness the power of invoice finance to support sustainable growth and financial stability. These strategies will ensure that your construction business remains robust and resilient in the face of industry challenges, and ultimately catapult your business to soar above the rest.

Need a Construction Finance solution?

Guavas Finance is your go-to specialist to solve any construction company cash flow problems. Connect with us to access working capital solutions and finance support from a construction-experienced lender.
Posted on: 19 May 2024

Chris Dolan

Commercial Finance Director

Chris joined Guavas at its inception in 2023. He has worked for the last 6 years helping SMEs find the most suitable and cost-effective borrowing solutions tailored to their individual requirements. This followed a 20-year career in the City working with corporates and pension funds at a number of international banks. This wealth of experience allows Chris a unique perspective and understanding of the financial landscape, which he utilises to support his clients at Guavas Finance. He has a 1st Class (Hons) in Banking and International Finance from City University Business School.

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